Title: Downloads Date: 2015-10-05 Modified: 2017-12-15 Category: downloads Tags: downloads Slug: downloads Status: published Authors: Giuseppe Sammarco | | |Notes| |:---:|---|---| |1|[ ][1] | Scarica **TeamViewer QuickSupport per Windows** dal [sito ufficiale][2] ( 7.8 MB )| |2|[ ]({static}/f/pdfs/otp.pdf)| **The complete guide to secure communications with the one time pad cipher**. This paper provides standard instructions on how to protect short text messages with one-time pad encryption. The encryption is performed with nothing more than a pencil and paper, but provides absolute message security. If properly applied, it is mathematically impossible for any eavesdropper to decrypt or break the message without the proper key. [Dirk Rijmenants][3]. ( 209 KB )| |3|[ ]({static}/f/pdfs/intro-pgp.pdf)| **An introduction to Cryptography**. This guide is useful to anyone who is interested in knowing the basics of cryptography; it explains the terminology and technology you will encounter as you use PGP products. You will find it useful to read before you begin working with cryptography. [Network Associates, Inc.][4] ( 1.0 MB )| |4|[ ]({static}/f/pdfs/install-arch.pdf)|**Guida per l'installazione di Arch Linux**. Una breve guida per l'installazione minimale di Arch Linux su dischi cifrati. Giuseppe Sammarco ( 470 KB )| [//]: # (|[ ]({static}/f/d/sunriset.c) | 8 Kb |**Sunriset**: un "piccolo" software che calcola gli istanti dell''alba e del tramonto (ed altro ancora) a partire da una data e dalle coordinate dell''osservatore (latitudine e logintudine). ©1989-1992 Paul Schlyter.|) [1]: https://download.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS_it.exe [2]: https://www.teamviewer.com/it/download [3]: http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy#Network_Associates_acquisition